

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第751回 2023.4/8

古文研究法120-2 十訓抄より:行家朝臣(ゆきいえあそん)申していはく「宇治は都の南にあらず。喜撰が歌にいはく【わが庵(いほ)は都の辰巳(たつみ)しかぞ住む 世をうじ山と人は言ふなり】と詠めり。しかれば何の憚(はばか)りかあらむ」と申されけり。このむねを奏聞(そうもん)ありければ、その日の還御(かんご)延びにけり。殿下、御感あり。



Just at the time, Yukiie said, "Uji is not situated to the south of Kyoto.  The Buddhist priest Kisen composed a poem : 'I have secluded myself in a calm hermitage in the southeast of the capital.  People say that I have fled from there to the suburb of Uji, for I am pessimistic about life.'   Therefore the capital is not to the north of Uji, but to the northwest.  You don't have to care about the issue of directions."  Hearing this favorable proposal, He put off His departure in the highest spirits.


But Yukiie said, "Uji is not to the south of Kyo.  As Kisen, a Buddhist priest, said in one of his poems, 'Though I am leading a tranquil life in a cot at Uji to the southeast of the capital, people say that I have fled here to escape from the troubles of a secular world.'  I don't think You must leave here today."  Hearing this, His Majesty postponed His departure with His greatest pleasure.