

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第294回 2022.1/6



N君:Even if she is never nominated as candidates for your legal wife with no fault, it is natural that you are attracted by her in spite of yourself."  Samanokami said so, casting a glance at Toshikibu.  Toshikibu talked to himself, "Oh, this fellow is making an insinuating remark about my family, for he knows my younger sister is famous as a beauty,"  and uttered no word.

S先生:だいたい良いと思います。「正妻」を言う時に wife に付く形容詞が right でも authentic でも net でも genuine でもなくて、legal であるという所がいかにも欧米的であると私は感じます。

When it comes to a faultless lady, she may be unsuitable for you as your legal wife.  But she is too charming for you to desert,"  said Sama-no-Kami, glimpsing at Toshikibu beside him.  Shikibu remained sullenly silent, talking to himself, "Oh, this fellow is insinuating to me that my sister is noted as a beauty."
