

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第248回 2021.11/21



N君:The Minister's daughter, the bride, was actually a bit elder than Genji.  As he looked conspicuously young, she felt somehow ill at ease for the unbalance.

第1文の文末の Genji ですが、もしもここを代名詞で表現したい時には he がよいのかそれとも him にすべきなのか。

S先生:文法的には he です。than の次にくるのは本来は節なので him ではなくて he が正しい。ただし実際の英文では him が使われることがあります。四角四面ではないのです。このあたりがおもしろいところですね。

To tell the truth, the bride was a little older, while Genji looked so young that she felt somewhat ill at ease, doubting if they were ill-matched.

今日の英作談義は「The  Saddest Day in my Life」の最終回です。

By the way, the bomb was called 'PIkka-Don' or 'Pikka' for short instead of 'Atomic bomb' for a long time in Hiroshima ; needless to say, 'Pikka' is an imitative word for the blinding flash, 'Don' an onomatopoeia for the earsplitting sound.

One day about a month later, my father unexpectedly came to see me.  I was about to jump for joy.  I am not alone !  I can see my family again !  But the next moment I was crushed with great grief to be told that one of my sisters was burnt to death under the building at a distance of only a few hundred meters from the ground zero.  She was only 19 years old and was working as a nurse for the City Health Center.  

It was one early April day four months ago that she had taken me here to this village with my mother.  She was a good singer.  So in order to encourage me she went on singing for me one song after another, military, children's, lyric songs, while we were walking long mountain paths after getting off a charcal-engine bus.  Above all, she sang again and again her favorite 'die Lorelei', a famous German song.  I listened to her, filled with rapture.  Alas, I can't hear her sing any more !  I wailed and wailed recalling many good memories she had left for me since I was a little child.  What an agony she was in !  Burned alive under the building, she must have cried, "Mother !  Mother !"  A hell on earth ! 

I am more sad than angry to know that most of the Americans still justify the dropping of the A-Bombs, saying that they helped to quicken the end of the war and save the lives of Americans.  How can they avert their eyes to the fact that the inhumane weapons mercilessly killed more than two hundred thousand sinless citizens ?  I shall never forget Monday, August 6, 1945, the most tragic day in history.
