

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第861回 2023.7/27

古文研究法 あとがき 1:長々と古文の勉強について述べてきた。辛抱して終わりまで読んで下さった諸君に厚く感謝したい。というのは、この本を私が書いたのは、入学試験の対策なんかだけに役立てようとしたわけではなく、試験勉強というやむを得ない仕事に対処するうち、いつとなく古典の正しい理解を身に付けるところまで行って欲しいと念願したからである。


In this book I have told you tediously about how to learn the classical literature of Japan.  I would like to give my thanks for your patient way to read through the book.   The reason why I wrote it is not only that you will be able to make use of it for your entrance examination, but also that I want you to unconsciously acquire the right understanding of classical literature while you are forced to cope with exams.

S先生:良いです。構成が良い。目立ちませんが、全体を現在時制で統一したことも良かった。第2文の your patient way はちょっと堅苦しい感じがしました。your patience のほうがよいでしょう。

I have written about how to study Japanese classics too redundantly.  I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your having read through this book with patience.  I have written this book in order not for you to make use of it for your entrance examination but (for you) to correctly understand classics in spite of yourself while you are compelled to study for your exam.