

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第693回 2023.2/8

古文研究法91-4 古今集より:五月山(さつきやま)梢を高みホトトギス 鳴く音(ね) そらなる恋もするかな



A little cuckoo is singing in May, the season of fresh greenery.  The treetop it perches on is so high that it seems to sing in the sky.  I am apt to be unsteadily attracted by a fictional woman as if I would lose my way in the air.


Now is May.  Cuckoos are singing in the mountains with fresh greenery.  They are twittering at so high trees that I feel as if they were chirping up in the sky.  I am afraid I might be in hollow love as if I were straying in the sky.