

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第645回 2022.12/22

古文研究法70-1 土佐日記:昔、安倍の仲麿といひける人は、唐(もろこし)に渡りて帰り来ける時に、かの国の人、(むま)のはなむけし別れ惜しみて、かしこの詩(からうた)作りなどしける。飽かずやありけむ、二十日(はつか)の夜の月出づるまでぞありける。その月は海よりぞ出でける。これを観(み)てぞ、仲麿のぬし「我が国にかかる歌をなむ、神代より神も詠んたび、今は上中下(かみなかしも)の人もかうやうに別れ惜しみ喜びもあり悲しびもある時には詠む」とて、詠めりける歌:



I hear that once upon a time a man named Abe-no-Nakamaro was delegated to China.  On the day before he was to come back to Japan, Chinese friends held a farewell party for him.  Unwilling to part from him, they composed Chinese poems.  They lingered there till the 20th evening's moon rose.  It is said that the moon rose up from the sea there.  Appreciating the moon, he said, "In Japan, whenever we are inspired by anything, we compose Japanese poems.  For example, when we say good-bye to close friends like today's party, when w are pleased, and when we feel sad deeply.  At the beginning of time ancient gods did so and now everybody do so, no matter how high or low he is ranked."  This is the poem he composed :

S先生:ややこしい内容を上手にまとめて作文できている、と思います。ほとんど言うことはありませんが一言だけ。第4文の 20th は、このような文章では twentieth と書くほうがよいです。

It is said that a person named Abe-no-Nakamaro went to Tang as one of the students at the Nara era.  When the time came that he was coming back to Japan, his Chinese friends held a farewell party for him.  Reluctant to part from him, each of them composed a Chinese poem.  They were so sorrowful that they remained there until the moon on its twentieth night rose above the sea.  Seeing the moon, Nakamaro said, "In Japan even gods composed poems at the begining of time.  Nowadays people, whether they are  high, middle or low in rank, write poems when they are happy or sad, and when they feel it painful to part from their friend as you do tonight."  The following is the poem he composed :