

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第540回 2022.9/9

古文研究法5 枕草子:火桶(ひおけ)、炭櫃(すびつ)などに手の裏打ち返し皺(しわ)おしのべなどしてあぶりゐる者、いつかは若やかなる人の、さはしたりし。老いばみうたてある者こそ、火桶の端に足さへもたげて、もの言ふままに押し擦りなどもすらめ。さやうの者は人のもとに来て居むとする所をまづ扇して塵払ひ捨てて、居(ゐ)も定まらずひろめきて、狩衣(かりぎぬ)の前しもざまにまくり入れてもゐるかし。かかることは言ふかひなき者の際(きは)にやと思へど、少しよろしき者の、式部の大夫(たいふ)駿河の前司などいひしが、させしなり。



I hate those who are eagar to warm up their hands over a charcoal braizer by turning over the palms and stretching the wrincles.  I am sure that all of those people are old.  In general, the elderly who are disliked by everyone seems to behave badly.  For example, they lift up their legs on the verge of the braizer, rub them and talk loudly about silly things.  Such indiscreet persons are prone to step impolitely into someone else's room, blow the dust off the tatami mat where they mean to sit using their folding fan, thrash around before sitting, and tuck up the anterior brim of their Kariginu clothes.  I am quite sure that people of lower rank behave in such an impudent way, but I have found that even some people of higher rank such as the director of the Ministry of Shikibu or the ex-governer of the country of Suruga got involved in this disgraceful act.

S先生:訳しにくい文章でしたが上手に英訳できました。最後のところの get involved in ~「~に関わりを持っている」もなかなか良い単語選択だったと思います。ここに involve を持ってくることができた、というのはN君の英語力を示す一つの指標であったと思います。

I detest those who warm up their hands over a charcoal braizer turning their palms and smoothing their wrincles.  Will young people behave badly like this ?  Elderly and disgusting people will ill-manneredly put their feet on the edge of the braizer and rub them mumbling something to themselves.  When such people come to see you, they fan the dusts away from the tatami mat where they are intending to sit.  Without sitting politely, they bustle around tucking down the hem of their formal dress.  I have thought that it is good-for-nothing fellow that dare to do such shameless things, but surprisingly and unexpectedly, higher officials such as Shikibudayu and an ex-Suruganokami conducted themselves in such a vulgar manner !

N君:最後の文の conduct oneself というのはどういう意味ですか?

S先生:conduct 「行う」は簡単そうでなかなか難しい動詞です。基本的には他動詞で conduct a fair investigation「公正な調査をする」のような場合には何も問題ないのですが、conduct her through the city「彼女を案内する」とか、conduct oneself well「立派にふるまう」のような意味の場合はちょっと混乱します。使って慣れましょう。