

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第523回 2022.8/23

N君:第423回から第522回まで「百人一首英訳+K先輩歴史放談」をやりましたが、内容が濃すぎてやや疲れました。そこで今回から数回にわたって積み残しを整理する意味で「落穂拾い」的な内容のものをアップしたいと思います。まずはじめは「S先生の英語随筆:The Saddest Day in my Life(Monday, August 6, 1945)」を紹介します。S先生は昭和10年つまり1935の広島生まれで、10歳の時に見た原爆の様子を生々しく伝える文章です。僕たち若い世代が知っておくべき内容と思いますので、英語の勉強がてら読み進めてみます。では始めます。

The year 1945 began.  The war was not going in our favor.  The Japanese soldiers had been preferring honarable deaths(玉砕) to surrender on the islands ー Saipan, Guam、、、ー in the south Pacific.  And the air raids were getting more and more violent in the main cities.  Especially the air raid made by B29 on Tokyo on March 10 was an inhumane one.  The aim of the raid was nothing but killing sinless civilians by dropping innumerable incendiary bombs.  More than one hundred thousand people, men and women, young and old, were mercilessly burnt to death.  Precautionary warnings began to be issued almost everyday in Hiroshima too.  When the warning was announced, we schoolchildren were made to go home right away.  So we rather welcomed the warnings, because we were freed from strict, violent lessons.  At about 10 on March 18, a warning was issued as usual.  We left school for home at once, jumping for joy.  But as soon as I got home, an air raid alarm siren weirdly.  All of a sudden, nosediving from above the hill behind, a few Grumman Fighters began to stike.  The sounds were earsplitting.  I was clinging to my mother trembing with fear in the shelter.  Much to our sorrow, one of the bombs killed all the members of a family in my neighborhood.  And almost all the window glasses of our school were broken to pieces.  If we had stayed at school, how many pupils would have been killed ?


N君:臨場感溢れる描写です。英作文の勉強そっちのけでグイグイ引き込まれます。この調子であと5~6回続きます。作文のポイントとなる表現もたくさん出てくるので dictation をおすすめします。