

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第403回 2022.4/25



N君:「ものから」は逆接の助詞。「有明の月」は、夜明けの空に残っている白っぽい月、のこと。百人一首の中では有明の月が出てくるのは三首です。No.21素性法師(そせいほうし):今来むと言ひしばかりに長月の 有明の月を待ち出でつるかな。No.30:壬生忠岑(みぶのただみね):有明のつれなく見えし別れより 暁ばかり憂きものはなし。No.31坂上是則(さかのうえのこれのり):朝ぼらけ有明の月とみるまでに 吉野の里に降れる白雪。

There seemed to be some lusty women who gazed intently at his figure floating faintly above the small paper screen on the medial portion of the latticed bamboo door.  They apparently sighed, "How beautiful he is !"  A pale morning moon was in the sky.  The moonlight had not remained in the bright air, but just the outline of the moon was clear.  It was all the more graceful for its serenity than the midnight.  Although the scenery of the sky itself would not have any intention, it would look attractive or dreadful according to the individual mental condition.  Feeling a pain inwardly, Genji left the villa of Kii-no-kami with a lingering regret.  On his way back home he repeated to himself, "Isn't there any chance to communicate with her by letter ?"

S先生:第6文は It was all the more graceful for its serenity までは良いのですがその後の than the midnight がいけません。than the midnight を除外して at dawn くらいにしましょう。all the more+形容詞+for~ の構文は than を取りません。I love her all the more for her shyness. とか I love her more than anybody else. とかの構文はありますが、all the more+形+for~ と than とが同居することはありません。第7文譲歩節の主語が the scenery of the sky itselfe になっていますが、日本語に引っ張られ過ぎました。the scenery of は不要であり、the sky itself だけで充分でしょう。日本語を無批判に英訳しようとする態度を改めて「内容勝負」を心がけましょう。

Glancing at his graceful figure above the small sliding door, some of the lascivious ladies seemed to be filled with fascination.  An eary morning moon was in the sky.  Though the moonlight could be seen no more, its outline was clearer and more beautiful than at midnight.  The sky, perhaps with no heart in it, might look alluring or horrifying according to how to look at it.  Genji was heartrending inwardly.  He left Kii-no-kami's residence with painful reluctance, wondering on his way home if there wasn't any way to exchange letters with each other.

N君:lasvicious「好色な」、allure = attract「魅惑する」,  heartrending「胸を引き裂くような、悲痛な」