

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第234回 2021.11/7



N君:Then, as an inevitable consequence the seat of the minister who was in the top rank of the subordinates was next to that of Genji.  The minister made the most of the location and whispered to Genji his intention to marry his daughter to him. However, he, still being in his naive age, could not know how he should make an answer to his offer.

S先生:第1文の as an inevitable consequence「避けられぬ成り行きとして」はやや大仰な感じがします。除外してしまうか、入れるとしても文末にちょこっと in consequence とか as a consequence を付け足すくらいで良いと思います。第2文の make the most of ~「~を最大限活かす、利用する」の使い方はこれで良いです。ここで使われているmarry はやや使役調に「嫁がせる」というふうに考えて下さい。第3文の分詞構文ではもはや being を省略してもよいです。

The Minister sat just beside him.  Availing himself of this good opportunity, he whispered to Genji that he had an intention to marry his daughter to him, but Genji was still too naive a boy to know what to say.

N君:avail oneself of ~ 「~を利用する、~に乗じる」は 辞書によると、avail of ~ でも良いそうで、make use of ~ とだいたい同じだそうです。例文としては、While working in Paris, I availed myself of the opportunity to visit the museum. というのが出ておりました。make use of は知っていても avail oneself of は知りませんでした。