

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第205回 2021.10/9



N君:However, different from Kiritsubo who was born in a subordinate clan, Lady Fujitsubo, who was a daughter of the former Emperor, was extraordinary high in rank.  Partly because people might see her as a lady of high rank, she seemed more wonderful rather than Kiritsubo.  Anyone at Court could not treat her maliciously.  Even if the Emperor favored her excessively, nobody could make a complaint to Him about that. 

S先生:第2文では more があるので rather は不要です。第3文は第203回で触れた「any が否定語の前に飛び出すことは絶対にない」に抵触するのでダメ。ここは No one at Court could treat her maliciously. としましょう。そこへいくと第4文は主語が nobody になっていてうまく書けていますね。この文の make a complaint の不定冠詞 a には「たった一言の文句さえ」の意が込められています。

Besides, since she was a daughter of the former Emperor, she was far higher than Kiritsubo in rank.  It might be due to their preconception that she looked even more graceful than Kiritsubo.  So there was no one who treated her maliciously or complained about the Emperor's excessively tender love for her.
