

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第131回 2021.7/27



N君:「心の闇」というフレーズは中納言兼輔「人の親の心は闇にあらねども 子を思う道に惑いぬるかな」の歌から来ているわけで、第127回から今回まで重低音のように響いているのでした。

Oh, no, I might have spoken too impolitely.  This is, I guess, a monologue derived from an unreasonable parent's love  for a child," said KIritsubo's mother.   Bursting into tears, she could not talk on to the end.  Looking at the tears, Yugei-no-Myoubu failed to leave the room out of compassion, though she was intending to go back to Court before the night wore away.

monologue「独り芝居、独白」、(dialogue「対話」= conversation)、burst into tears「ドッと泣き出す」、out of compassion「同情心から」(out of は動機を表す)、wear away「擦り減る、摩耗する」

S先生:I am afraid my words might have been blasphemous.  Well, it might be due to  the darkness of my heart coming from my love for my daughter that I dared to say such rude things in spite of myself."  Before she finished her story, she became unable to say anything and sobbed bitterly.  The day dawned before Myoubu went back to Court.

N君:blasphemous「不敬で、冒涜的で」、in spite of oneself「自身の気持ちにもかかわらず → 意志に反して → 我知らず → 思わず、不意に」