

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第130回 2021.7/26



N君:Never give up the matter even though I were to die.' After my husband's death, I was worried about making her  wait on the Emperor without any supporters.  However, I eventually decided to send her to Court because I could not neglect his will that he was anxious for his daughter to serve at Court.  Then she acquired an unexpected affection from the Emperor.  Of course the honor was more than she deserved, but she was sometimes unreasonably insulted and embarrassed by the ladies around her.  She exerted herself to conceal their ill treatments, and continued to serve as the Emperor's lady-in-waiting.  But their ill will piled up on her so heavily that she came to feel uncomfortable, which resulted in her uncommon death like this.  Although I appreciate the kindness the Emperor showed her, I suppose thar His favor might have given her the bitter experiences.

S先生:第1文はなんでもないような文ですが言いたいことがふたつあります。まず the matter は必要なのか? いらないと思います。次に even though の中味が仮定法過去になっているのは何故か? このままだと「実際死ぬことはないけどもし死ぬのであれば」になってしまう。大納言は今まさに死の床にあるのだから「たとえ死んでも」と言っている。ゆえに even though I will die なのだが副詞節の中味は未来のことでも現在形で書こうヨろいうことになっているので even though I die で良いと思います。最近仮定法の事ばかりやっているので if と見てついつい仮定法になってしまったのだと思うけど、あくまでも if は仮定法も含めた広い意味での条件節を導くのですから、その基本を忘れないようにしましょう。第1文以外はだいたい良いと思います。be anxious for 人 to do や exert oneself to do についてはもう一度辞書を引いておくこと。それから真ん中あたりの the honor was more than she deserved という言い方はなかなか良かったと思います。deserve をもう一度辞書で調べて be worthy of との異同などについても調べておくことをおすすめします。

And never lose heart even if I have gone to the next world.' After my husband's death, I could not find any person dependable enough to support my daughter.  So I thought it wouldn't do for her to serve at Court.  But since my husband left a strong will, I dared to send her to Court.  It was beyond my expectation that she was loved most tenderly by His Majesty.  His affection for her was more than she deserved.  But she was so ill-treated by other ladies that she had to bear their insults with patience.  Though she was in such a painful state, she managed to serve the Emperor.  In the meantime their grudge and jealousy was focused on her.  She came to worry herself more and more.  At last she was forced to die an unhappy death. Though I deeply appreciate His Majesty's love for my daughter, His favor was too much, I think.

私の作文には注意点が3つあります。第1は it would not do to不定詞 のところです。たとえば Any book will do.「どんな本でもOK」や、That won't do.「それは絶対ダメ」と同じで、「娘を宮仕えさせるのは絶対ダメと思っておりました」の意になります。第2は grudge and jealousy was focused on her のところで、何故 was なのか?と思う人が多いと思います。grudge と jealousy をまとめてひとつの感情とみなした、と理解してください。第3は die an unhappy death です。この die は他動詞であって、自動詞を使った die unhappily よりも die an unhappy death のほうが強意的な言い方になります。live a happy life も同じです。

N君:今回は heavy でしたが、いろいろ勉強になりました。