

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第111回 2021.7/7



N君:Although the mother inhabited it alone after her husband had died long ago, she was keen to keep the villa decent with enough cares in order to nurture her dear daughter, Kiritsubo.  However, while she has been leading a tearful life since the unexpected death of her daughter, the garden in the villa has been devastated by thriving weeds and a strong autumn wind.  Nothing but the moon light shines dearily into the ground without being shut out by the bush.

S先生:八重葎(やえむぐら)は、幾重にも折り重なったツタの意で邸宅の荒廃ぶりを描写するための小道具といっても過言ではなく、百人一首No47.恵慶法師「八重葎しげれる宿のさびしきに 人こそ見えね秋は来にけり」にも登場します。八重葎に似た舞台装置としてしのぶ草があり、こういうものが出てきたら「ああ侘しいんだな」と思ってもらってよいです。さて今回のN君の作文ですが、なかなか良い。ひとつだけ苦言を言 うと、care は不加算名詞なので enough cares ではなくて much care にしましょう。nothing but もよいですが、もうすこし柔らかく言うなら単に only のほうがよい。また shine よりも is shining のほうが現実感があると思いました。

Kiritsubo's mother had remained a widow for a long time, but in order to bring up her only daughter, she had managed to keep her residence in good repair.  The old lady was sinking in deep gloom.  The weeds were left to grow thickly and the wind was blowing dearily over the wild garden, which was shown by the rays of the moon coming through the high weeds.

N君:僕の作文はギッコンバッタンですが、S先生の作文はサラサラ流れてます。gloom「薄暗がり、陰鬱」。be in gloom と be in bloom は真逆の印象ですね。