

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第352回 2022.3/5


で、私は早速彼女の歌への返しのつもりで一首詠んでやりました。『とりどりに咲く花の色は、いずれが勝りいずれが劣るとも区別がつきませんが、それでもなお、この床を共にする常夏の花に勝るものもありませんね』と、そんな事を言って撫子の母の方のご機嫌を取るつもりでした。そしたら彼女はまたこんな歌を詠んでよこしました。『私の袖は払っても払っても落ちる涙ですっかり濡れています、そうして、健気に咲いている常夏の花につらい嵐が吹き募って秋が来たように、あなたの心にも飽きが来たのでしょうね』 私はこの歌に彼女の苦悩を読み取ってあげるべきだったのですが、気付かなかった。その様子はそんなに深刻にも見えなかったし、ただサラリとこんな歌を詠んで本気で恨んでいるようには到底見えませんでしたからね。

N君:Therefore I sent her a poem right away as an answer to her poem : 'Although I cannot tell which is the most vivid among the flowers blooming in the garden, there seems to be no flower superior to Nadeshiko which blooms throughout the summer.'  Presenting the poem, I intended to encourage her, the mother Nadeshoko.  Again she sent back another poem to me : 'My sleeves are throughly wet with endless tears flowing down from my eyesJust as the harsh wind brings autumn to Nadeshiko flowers which have been blooming in summer, so an avoidable weariness must have crept up to your heart.'  I should have sympathized with her anguish expressed in this poem.  It was very thoughtless of me to be unaware of her grief.  She did not look very serious.  I believed that she was composing these poems in an usual manner, but I was wrong.  Indeed, I could not penetrate her grudge then at all.

S先生:今日の作文は、小さな問題が何か所かあるのですが、全体としてはとても良い出来でした。第3文の her の言い換えは the mother Nadeshiko ではなくて、Mother Nadeshiko が良いでしょう。第5文の flowing以下は当たり前のことなので除外しましょう。第6文は、Just as A, so B.「ちょうどAのようにB」の構文で、適切に使うことができました。この構文は作文する時に重宝するのでマスターしておきましょう。第7文の should+have+過去分詞 は「実現しなかった過去を後悔しながら振り返る」という感じを表していて、適切でした。第10文の penetrate は普通は「貫通する」の意ですが、ここでは「深く理解する」くらいの意味であって、このような用法を知っている生徒はそう多くありません。

I returned a verse to her at once : 'The flowers with various colors are blooming, but I cannot tell which is superior or which is inferior.  Still, I think you, who lie in bed with me as if you were an everlasting summer flower,  seem to be the best.'  Saying so, I meant to please Mother Nadeshiko.  Then she answered back again : 'My sleeves are drenched with tears, however often I wipe them off.  As a violent storm brings autumn on an everlasting summer flower, so do you seem to have lost all interest in my existence.'  When she chanted this poem, I should have understood how she was distressed.  But to my great regret, I failed to sense her agony, for she did not look so serious and angry with me from the bottom of her heart.

第7文は、As A, so B「ちょうどAのようにB」の構文ですが、Bの中味に「強調のための変形」が起こっています。you seem ~ の前に助動詞 do が飛び出しているのです。まるで疑問文のような語順になってしまっているので、初めて見る人はびっくりしますが、ここで経験しておけば大丈夫。

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第351回 2022.3/4

帚木159・160:(源氏)「さてその文の詞(ことば)は」と問ひ給へば、(中将)「いさや、ことなることもなかりきや。(女)『山がつの垣ほ荒るとも折々にあはれはかけよ撫子の露』 思ひ出でしままにまかりたりしかば、例のうらもなきものから、いと物思ひ顔にて、荒れたる家の露しげきをながめて、虫の音にきほへる気色、昔物語めきておぼえ侍りし。



Keen to hear about the rest of the story, Genji asked, "What did she write in the letter ?"  Chujo answered, "Well, there was nothing except the following poem : 'The mean cot of mine has recently been devastated with its fence given no mercy of raindrops.  But I would like you to visit here at times, which is not to meet me but to see your daughter, just as a dew drop perches on the Ndeshiko's flower blooming on the fence.'  I was so touched by the modest poem that I tried visiting her after a long absence.  Surprisingly she welcomed me in an usual manner.  She treated me kindly and without any discrimination.  However, she could not conceal the slight air of the dreary feeling on her face.  Looking at the dews all over the ruined garden, she was weeping as if she were competing with the chirping of insects.  The scene was just like that of an old fairy tale.

S先生:全体としては意欲的な表現が見られてなかなか良いのですが、色々と指摘しておきたいこともあります。第3文の with its fence given no mercy of raindrops. は付帯状況を示しているのでしょうが、もっと軽く、with no mercy of raindrops on its fence. で良いでしょう。第4文の which is は不要で、カンマの後に直接 not to do を続けてOKです。第5文の try+動名詞「試しに~してみた(もうやった)」を正しく使うことが出来ました。try+to不定詞「頑張って~しようとした(まだやってない)」との区別をしっかりしておきましょう。第7文の kindly and without any discrimination は、副詞と副詞句の並列になっていて不自然なので、kindly and impartially くらいにしておきましょう。第8文の the slight air of the dreary feeling on her face は回りくどい感じがするので、her dreariness くらいにまとめましょう。結局「もっと軽く、もっと簡潔に」といういつもの注意になりました。

"What was written in the letter ?" said Genji, drawing near to Chujo.  Chujo answered, "Oh, nothing important in particular, but she had attached to it this poem : 'My shabby house in the mountains has been dilapidated with no dewdrops on its hedge.  I hope you will have mercy, not on me but on the pink flowers of the hedge so that dewdrops will fall on them softly.'  Moved by this modest poem, I visited her after a long time.  Though she treated me very gently as usual, she seemed pensive for no reason.  And looking at the ruined garden wet with dewdrops, she was weeping as if she were competing with the chirps of the insects.  It loooked just like an old tale.


オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第350回 2022.3/3




She was in a lonely situation after her parents had passed away.  Noticing her reliance on me in every words she said, I thought I must support her by all way I could.  But she was so calm and suave that I was unaware of a problem which was about to happen on her.  I did not pay any visit to her for a while, leaving her alone.  How careless I was !  Someone serving around my leagal wife seemed to criticize her fiercely by means of an indirect connection, though I did not know about that then.  I had not a mere idea that she was suffering from such a harsh slander.  Although I never forgot about her in my mind, I was too optimistic to write a letter for her and a considerable time had flowed away.  Hearing nothing from me would have made her pessimistic, discouraged and ill at ease.  A little daughter she bore could not be a diversion for her.  The compelling hardship must have driven her to send me a branch of Nadeshiko on which a letter was bound,"  said Chujo with his eyes drowned in sudden tears.

S先生:今日の作文は、大きな誤りはないものの、あちこちに硬さがみられます。少しずつほぐしていきましょう。第2文の分詞構文の中にある words はケアレスミスでしょう。every の後は必ず単数なので word が正しいですね。作文した後は必ず見直しをしてケアレスミスを防ぐようにして下さい。良い英文を作っているのにこういうミスで減点される生徒が多いです。第2文主節の by all means I could は重々しいですね。as much as I could くらいで充分でしょう。第3文の a problem which was about to happen on her は気持ちはわかるがくどい。簡潔に her anguish にしてみてはどうでしょうか。第6文の serving around my legal wife ですが、この around は不要です。確かに serve には自動詞もあるのですが、serve as a clerk のように使われることが多く、ここの場合は「正妻に使える」の意なので他動詞の serve を使えばよいのです。こういうところは東大の文法問題で出題されやすく、「不要な一語を選べ」と尋ねてきます。日本語的な語感からは、いかにも around がもっともらしく見えるのですが、実は不要なのです。気を付けましょう。同じく第3文の by means of an indirect connection は硬すぎます。直前の fiercely を除外してかわりに indirectly を置くか、あるいは fiercely を残して by indirection とするかでしょう。by indirection も硬いので、indirectly のほうが良さそうです。第4文は I had not a mere idea that ~ でもよいですが、簡潔に I had no idea taht ~ でも充分でしょう。第6・7・8文も硬い感じを受けます。いつも言っていることですが、主語や目的語に抽象名詞をもってくると、文が硬くなるので多用はいけません。最後の , said Chujo with his eyes drowned in sudden tears. は、付帯状況の with を使って締まった表現に見えるのですが、said Chujo のあとにカンマを置いて、drowned in sudden tears. という具合に分詞構文でつなぐ方が簡潔です。今日は、読んでいて「回りくどい、硬い」と感じた所を指摘しました。

She felt lonely because she had lost her parents.  She seemed to think she had no choice but to rely on me.  Sympathizing with her feelings, I thought I must take good care of her.  But she was such a quiet and gentle lady that I judged it safe to stay away from her for a while, leaving her alone.  Then a cirtain lady close to my wife had someone else say nasty things to trouble her.  It was not until a little later that I knew it at second hand.  I never knew that she was in such a deep distress.  Though I had not forgotten about her, I left a long time passing without writing any letter to her.  She seemed pessimistic and depressed.   She was worried about a young daughter I had had her give birth to.  She must have felt so helpless that one day she sent me a letter together with a bunch of pink flowers."  Saying so, Chujo was moved to tears.

N君:第2文の have no choice but to do「~する以外に手はない、~するしかない」は使えそうな表現です。第6文の It is not until A that B「BするのはAまでではない」→「Aの後すぐにBする」はおなじみの構文ですが、いつも考え込んでしまいます。今回は It was not until a little later that ~「ちょっとしてすぐに~した」となります。第10文の a young daughter I had had her give birth to.「私が昔彼女に生ませた幼い娘」は考えどころで、had の重なりも必要ですし、最後の前置詞to も必要です。僕の作文の第6文のserve around my legal wife の around が不要であったことと考え合わせると、文法の難しさが身に沁みますが、ここを克服しないと先へは進めません。

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第349回 2022.3/2




Sometimes I was afraid that she might feel bitter about my fewer visits to her in spite of her more reliance on me.  However, she never showed even a piece of her dissatisfaction.  When I went to her house after a long interval, she actually treated me quite in her usual way as if she met a familiar man who always went in and out everyday.  Her attitude was far from being unkind to me, a man who had seldom dropped in.  She was so sweet that I said in spite of myself that I would take good care of her throughout my life.

S先生:第1文と第2文は少々硬い感じもありますがまあこれで良いでしょう。第3文の quite in her usual way をもっと簡潔に as usually にすると、次の as if 節とも呼応して良い感じになると思います。例文を挙げておくと、He speaks German as fluently as if he were a native.  のようなものがあるでしょう。第3文後半の関係代名詞節の中味は always went in and out と原文通りにするよりも came to see her と意訳するほうが、内容を正しく伝えるでしょう。次の第4文「彼女の態度は、めったに来ない男に対するような不親切なものではなかった」は、すでに第1・2・3文で述べられていることなので、思い切って第4文を除外しましょう。それともうひとつ、kind とか unkind とか、次の第5文で使われている sweet のような形容詞の主語は必ず「人」です。その意味で、第5文は主語が she だからよいとしても、第4文の主語は her attitude ですから、いけません。そういう意味でも第4文は除外したくなるのです。

Though I sometimes thought that she must have a grudge against me, she did not show any sign of her discontent.  When I went to see her after a long time, she never treated me lightly but took care of me as kindly as if I were visiting her morning and evening.  She behaved herself so touchingly that that I said in spite of myself that I would look after her all my life.

N君:第3文の「彼女がとても感動的にふるまったので~」という構成が勉強になります。この場合、一般動詞+so+副詞+that~ となります。僕はいままでこういう構成に気がつかないまま、「彼女の行動がとても感動的だったので~」と考えて、常に、be動詞+so+形容詞+that~ と作文していたのです。こういう所の柔軟性が必要だと思いました。なんでもないことのようですが、僕と同じような所に引っ掛かっている人は多いと思います。



オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第348回 2022.3/1




In turn, Chujo began to talk about his episode, "I would like to move on to my trivial experience about a bit silly woman.  To tell the truth, she was a woman whom I came to visit secretly at every opportunity.  As I became familiar with her, I was inclined to give her a continuous patoronage.  Although I did not want to marriage her and stay long together with her, my company with her made me feel that she was somewhat a good lady.  I had been paying visits to her house with an appropriate frequency, neither constantly nor scarcely.  Then she gradually began to imply an air of being dependent on me.

S先生:第2文の動詞 move on to「~の話題へ移っていく」でもよいですが、普通に tell you about でも良かったと思います。次の my trivial experience の trivial はなくてもいいですね。その次の about ですが、tell you about my experience の後なので再度 about が来るのは気がひけるので、with とか of のほうが良い気がします。第6文の後半 with an appropriate frequency, neither constant nor scarcely は「いつもいつも、とか、ごくまれに、とかいうわけではなくて、まあ、適当な頻度で」を正直に英語化しようとしたのでしょうが、まわりくどい。こういうところは、I had been paying visits to her house まで来て一旦カンマをうち、, but not often. くらいで簡潔に切り上げましょう。なんでもかんでも真っ正直に英訳しようとするのは、かえって話の腰を折ってしまうので気を付けましょう。第7文の imply an air of being dependent on me. は文法的に誤りではないが、imply のあとはやはり that節のほうがしっくり来るので imply that she was dependent on me. でも良かったと思います。今回の作文は全体的に、大きな誤りはないが、回りくどかったり、硬かったり、などの欠点が見受けられました。抽象名詞を主語や目的語に使うとどうしても硬くなってしまうので気を付けましょう。

Then Chujo began to talk about his own story.  "Now let me tell you about a little bit silly lady.  I began to visit the lady secretly.  The closer I became to her, the more I came to think that I might look after her.  No, it did not mean that I was willing to live together with her all my life.  But as I got familiar with her, somehow, I began to think that she was a good lady.  Though I did not go to see her so often, I am not saying that I completely forget to visit her.  I went to see her once in a while.  Soon I sensed that she was going to gradually depend on me.

今日は短く終わったので、久しぶりに英作談義をしましょう。「日本の人口は何人?」を英訳しながら「what と how の違い」を考えてみましょう。まず、ほとんどの中高生は How many people live in Japan ? と作文するでしょうね。これで正しいし特に言う事もないのですが、ちょっと子供的です。もうちょっと大人っぽく言うと、How large is the population of Japan ? となります。これを What is the population of Japan ? と作文するのも正解です。しかし How many is the population of Japan ? は誤りですし、How much is the population of Japan ? も誤りです。動詞が一般動詞の時とbe動詞の時とで、微妙に違っていますね。「日本の平均寿命は何才?」は、How long is the average life span of the Japanese ? でも良いし、What is the average life span of the Japanese ? でも良いです。How long the Japanese live on average ? でもOKでしょう。


オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第347回 2022.2/28




Unfortunately, the preference for gaudy women is a mere rashness of youth.  When you are as old as me seven years later, my comment will certainly ring the bell of your heart.  Although I am in a low rank, I wish you think highly of what I said.  You had better be careful of the relation with a seductive woman.  Such a garish woman tends to make a terrible blunder.  Of course, her man cannot help having a bad reputation as a fool."  Samanokami finished his long tale with the warning.  While Chujo was keenly nodding at Samanokami, Genji only showed a little smile on one cheek and did not express his approval at all, though he seemed to think the Samanokami's lesson as a minimum truth.  Genji answered, "Any way, the narrative as to your experiences is scandalous and awful."  The other three men burst into laughter at the innocent words.

S先生:第2文従属節の as old as me ですが、本来は as old as I です。ただし、くだけた表現では me も用いられることがあるので、そう気にしなくてもよいでしょう。第2文主節の ring the bell of your heart はなかなか工夫した表現で、語法的にも間違いはないのですが、はたしてしっくり伝わるのかどうか怪しい。touch (more) your heart くらいでどうでしょうか。第3文の wish につながる節の中味は、現在形ではなくて、仮定法過去を使って would think とすべきでしょう。第4文の had better はほぼ命令調の言い方で、目上の人に対して使ってはいけません。左馬頭から見て源氏は年少とはいえ身分は上なのですから、had better ではなくて、You should take care not to be tempted by a seductive woman. くらいがよいと思います。ここの部分が今日最大の間違いでした。第8文の最後のところですが、he seemed to think Samanokami's lesson as a minimum truth. は硬いし、語法的にもいけません。he seemed to think Samanokami might not be wrong. とすべきでしょう。think が、名詞句を目的語にとるのではなく、節を目的語にとるように構成するほうが自然です。N君の構文を生かすとするならば、動詞を think ではなくて regard にしてみてはいかがでしょうか。第9文の主語 the narrative as to your experiences は硬い。力を抜きましょう。the story of your experiences で充分です。第10文の主語 The other three men 「源氏以外の男たち」というのは、(1)源氏の正妻の兄である中将、(2)長々と話をした7歳年長の左馬頭、(3)左馬頭が連れてきたがまだ一度も発言していない藤式部、の3人のことですね。

It can be said to come from your youthful inexperience.  But when you become the same age as mine in seven years, you will notice that I am right.  It might be rude of me, a man of low birth, to give you an admonition that you should be careful about an amorous and seductive lady.  Such a lady is likely to do something unexpected.  As a result, you might have a bad reputation as an idiot."  Thus Sama-no-Kami ended his long, admonishing speech.  Chujo was eagerly nodding again and again, while Genji just gave a slight smile on his cheek without nodding at all.  But he seemed to think that Sama-no-Kami was somewhat right.  ”Anyway, your story sounds scandalous and awkward."  When Genji said so, the other three burst into laughter.

第5文の you は、聞いている源氏たちというよりは、一般の you と考えてもらってよいです。第7文の on his cheek は、cheeks になっていないところが既に「片頬」を表しています。細かいところですが気を付けて見ておいて下さい。

N君:admonish < admonition「年長者からの穏やかな説諭・忠告」は advice とは微妙に違うんですね。第3文の give an admonition+同格that節 「~という忠告を与える」は使えそうな言い方です。

S先生:名詞 advice、動詞 advise ともに、アクセントが後ろにあるので注意して下さい。発音の頻出問題です。それと、名詞では清音「ス」、動詞では濁音「ズ」で終わります。

N君:えっと、advise を知りませんでした。発音のことも初耳でした。こりゃあ、基本から出直さないといけません。

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第346回 2022.2/27




Thinking back about the two examples, the finger-biting one and the cold wind's one, I was barely able to sense that the latter had a somewhat uncomfortable and unreliable air in her showy behaviors, no matter how indiscreet I was then.  Now that I have become sensible, I can make a swift response to avoid such a garish woman as her.  However, you, Genji and Chujo, out of youth, will be interested in some sorts of sexy women like a few on Hagi flower which will fall down at your whimsical touch or ones like a hail on a bamboo leaf which will fade out at your capricious meddling.

S先生:第1文の「指食い女と木枯らし女」ですが、a lady who bit my finger and a lady cold like a wintry wind のように少し丁寧に表現するほうが良いと思います。第2文をN君は「今は大人になったので、そういう女をサッとよけることができる」と作文しているわけですが、I won't have anything to do with such a garish woman as her 「そういう女とは関係を持たないようにしている」とする方が、原文の意味を正しく伝えているでしょう。第3文の主語に out of youth「若さゆえ」をくっつけているのですが、やや大仰な感じがするので、ここは、However, you, young gentlemen, Genji and Chujo という具合に、言い換えを複数回使ってみてはどうでしょうか。第3文の後半にある ones は省略可能ですね。少しでも簡潔にしたいので削りましょう。women like A or B という構成です。

Looking back on the two affairs, I see that though I was young and thoughtless, such a lady who just boasts of her talent did not seem to be worth putting my trust in.  Now that I have become sensible enough, I don't think that I will associate with that kind of a lady.  Since Your Highness Genji and Lord Chujo are young, you may take interest in a  lady who will fall down into your hands like dewdrops on hagi flowers as soon as you touch them or a lady who will disappear like a piece of hail on bamboo leaves as soon as you try to catch them, that is to say, a lady who is sweet and amorous.

N君:学生の目から見てオッと思った表現をピックアップしておきます。boast of「ひけらかす」、be worth +動名詞「~する価値がある」、Your Highness Genji and Lord Chujo「源氏様と中将殿」、try+to不定詞「がんばって~しようとする(まだやってない)」、that is to say「つまり」
